United Tissue Resources
Our History
Military Support
One Month Checklist
Donor Family Facebook Group
Donor Heroes
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Donate Tissue
Let us know how we can best serve you!
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
1. What information and resources did you find were needed, to address end-of-life responsibilities with financial institutions, government entities, insurance companies, etc?
1a. Was the online checklist provided on the United Tissue Resources website, helpful in completing these tasks?
2. What unexpected issues did you encounter, in addressing end-of-life responsibilities regarding your loved one, which might be good for others to be aware of?
3. What unexpected emotional issues arose for you, in dealing with the loss of your loved one?
4. How might we better address issues of loss, according to the age of the decedent?
5. How might we best provide access to resources for dealing with grief and loss, for those who live far from Austin?
6. How might we help families to adjust to the absence of their loved ones during holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions?
7. How might we best stay in touch with those families who choose to stay connected with United Tissue Resources?
8. What continuing resources and information might have proven to be helpful, as time passed from the day of your loss?
9. UTR provides opportunities for individuals to share their donation experiences in their communities, to help dispel common myths and misconceptions, and encourage donor registration. Would you be interested in volunteering to share your experience, in any of the following ways. Please check all that apply
Public speaking opportunities (e.g., clubs, social groups, religious gatherings, etc.)
Media interviews (e.g., radio, television, print media, etc.)
Social media
Donor registration tables at public events
Other (please explain) ________________
9a. Additional volunteer opportunities
If you selected "Other" in the previous question, please explain below.
Ready to talk? Let’s get in touch.
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